For the human body is a microcosmos or small space-time field within a larger field. If we can maintain this view, we can recognize that acupuncture is one of the first empirical demonstrations of biological scaling within the universe.
If we are to approach acupuncture from the standpoint of biophysics and also understand the higher force fields which go through the human system as a small open-ended universe, then we can understand how this thinking organism known as the human being can be attached to other thinking organisms within the local universe.
The Reconnection® is an accelerated exchange of energy, light and information using the Reconnective Healing® frequencies. The effect has been scientifically proven several times.
The personal Reconnection® is a unique experience with lifelong effect.
While Reconnective Healing® focuses on achieving physical, mental and emotional balance, your personal Reconnection® is about accelerating your own development and unfolding your full potential.
At Reconnection® I bring together three systems according to a clear and precise process:
Do you have questions?
Please feel free to call me, write me an e-mail or use the contact form
+49 174 2704818
From modern quantum physics as well as from ancient wisdom traditions we know today that we seem to have „fallen out“ of this state of being one, of being connected, over time and have been separated from the intelligence and fullness of the universe.
During The Reconnection® our physical, mental and emotional body is permanently connected to higher vibrational frequencies, i.e. the „new“ axiatonal lines are integrated and activated, allowing the reconnection of DNA strands and the re-integration of „strings“ (simultaneous – or parallel – planes of existence). The reconnection can thus enable a rapid acceleration of our personal development, allow us to recognize our wealth of gifts and talents, our life themes and calling, and to experience our full potential and true self. Often there is a change and reorientation in life.
Trust on a very deep level that your life is fulfilling its mission.
The Reconnection® is a life-changing experience and is done only once in a lifetime. The Reconnection is chosen as a conscious process and is completed in two sessions, which should be no more than 72 hours apart.
During the Reconnection® you lie on a padded massage table in comfortable clothing without shoes on your back. If possible, please avoid using perfumes before the session, as they influence your awareness. The session is contactless. With your eyes closed, all you need to do is relax, observe and perceive without judging.
The Reconnection® is done in two sessions on days that are preferably consecutive.
Each session includes a pre- and post-consultation and lasts about 60 minutes.
You invest € 333 in a more self-determined future in more freedom, balance and development of potential (fixed rate determined by Dr. Eric Pearl).
Although it is not a pre-condition, I recommend one to three Reconnective Healing® sessions before your personal Reconnection®, so that you are physically and mentally in balance and are attuned to the frequencies.
I make no diagnoses, make no promises or guarantees of healing success and expressly declare that existing treatments with a doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist or alternative practitioner should be continued and not replaced by these healing methods. The services offered do not in any way replace a visit to a doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist or alternative practitioner.