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By your registration you also confirm that you would like to receive my newsletter from time to time, in which you will receive a lot of know-how and suggestions about motivation, success, intuition, inspiration and interesting information. Of course also completely free of charge.
How often are Newsletters sent out?
The newsletter is sent out approximately monthly.
Using MailChimp
The transmission of the newsletter is done by „MailChimp“ where also the e-mail addresses and other information for sending and analyzing the newsletter are stored.
Double-Opt-In and Opt-Out
You receive a so-called double-opt-in e-mail, in which you are asked to confirm your registration. You can object to receiving the newsletter at any time (so-called opt-out). You will find an unsubscribe link in every newsletter or the double opt-in e-mail.
Statistics and monitoring of results
In order to optimize the newsletter for you, you agree to our evaluation, with which we measure how often the newsletter is opened and which links the readers click on.
Privacy Policy
You can find detailed information on the transmission procedure and statistics as well as on your revocation possibilities in our